About Me
My name is Eva Salyer. I am a full time artist, living in Grass Valley, California. I spend most of my time making art or getting in the mood to do just that. I have a studio in my home and I paint at community events a few times a year. My crew is Alexander *love of my life*, two kids and our dog, Lucky. My mom conditioned me from a young age that "art is a real job", and has supported me more than anyone else on Earth. I am grateful for this!
I paint heads. Women's heads to be exact. I love to create faces, round cheeks, lips, color, earrings, long hair, swirls, plants, words, music and odd things. My current obsessions are translucency and disruption. My art represents the full gamut of feelings. I'm a melting pot of styles and I don't like being defined (confined) by a specific school of art. I'm figuring out who I am as I go!
I was a late bloomer in life. I endured childhood trauma and the choices that followed; hardcore drugs, suicidal thoughts and actions, mental hospitals, alcoholism, self hatred. I paint about suffering and also healing from all of this. I learned how to adjust my reactions to life, and everything is easier now.
My dream is to throw a family friendly art and music event in grass valley this summer.
Thank you for supporting me. xoxoxo <3 - Eva